4 Reasons Why I Love to do Pilates with Lindywell

The photo above is one I’ve taken many times. A quick shot before or after a few minutes to myself. Maybe 10 minutes, maybe 45. Most days, 15-20 when I’m short on time. I’ve been doing pilates with Lindywell since my babies were babies and it remains something I’m still so happy to share about today.
We’re about to get flooded with all the ways to “get healthy next year” posts but for me I always feel like ramping up my goals and getting into the routines that work best for me happen around Fall. Why think we need to start on January first? Today is as good a day as any.
In my quest to have a more simple year, pilates is still here. Robin’s workouts remain simple and these exercises have helped me sit taller, think more clearly, and all around take better care of myself.
I’m not here to preach that this one act of caring for your body will change you entirely, but I do think moving our bodies is important. I always remind my kids, God didn’t make us to sit around. Our bodies were made to work and move!
In any season it’s a good thing to take care of ourselves, right? In fact, I’d go so far to say it’s something God wants us to do. 1 Corinthians 6 talks about our bodies being a temple of the Holy Spirit so, am I taking care of mine?
Over the years there are several things have stood out to me about the power of pilates and why I’ve stuck with Lindywell. Here they are!
1. Daily Rhythms are a Good Thing
Ever since High School I could sense myself adopting rhythms in my routine. Maybe it was coffee and homework after school. Bible Study on my bed. Saturday morning Step class! Yes, 16 year old me and a bunch of middle age Moms setting up our weights and steps. Let’s have a moment for that memory!
These days, my body craves pilates and walking and weights. My body needs to strengthen and stretch and I get those things with pilates. I go to pilates when I need a mental health break or a boost of energy thanks to all the different workouts in the lindywell app.
I can turn to it when I’m tired or after a long car trip. I love that I can pick an area I want to focus on, and if I only have 15 minutes or want to do longer workouts, I can! When I do it on a daily basis the lindywell workouts are one of the best things I can incorporate into my everyday life.
It really hasn’t been about the same time every day, it’s been more about finding some time as many days as I’m able. A daily workout for me may not be in the cards, but I love that Robin’s advice is always to work on positive changes over a regular basis that will absolutely benefit your entire body! Allowing this form of exercise to be something I do has been important.
2. Posture, Posture, Posture
We tell our kids to sit up straight, but are we? Plain and simple, when I’m practicing pilates I sit up taller. I notice myself doing it more naturally thanks to increased core strength and the full body exercises. They’re efficient workouts which help my core muscles that overall helps with my spine health, lower back pain and of course, good health. Thank you Robin!
There are so many benefits of pilates, but in a world of tech neck and staring down at our computers, I’m very thankful for ways these minutes of exercise have helped me!
3. No Yelling!
I have a hard time with workouts where I’m left feeling defeated. Maybe for you being yelled at is encouraging. Not for me! Robin is always supportive offering modifications when needed and encouraging you to do what you can.
She’ll push you when you need it, and slip in harder movements that’ll surprise you with soreness the next day. I just don’t love high intensity yelling workouts, I have enough noise in my life! My Lindywell membership affords me not only mindful movement, but stress relief as well!
Don’t be fooled though, high intensity workouts are a part of Lindywell and you’ll probably find pilates much harder than you may have previously thought!
4. Encouragement I Can Handle
A big mantra with Lindywell is Grace over Guilt. I haven’t had a perfect track record or completed all my workouts every month, but, I know they’re there for me and I know I can always login to find a workout for what I need. I don’t logon to Lindywell and feel like a failure for having missed a few days, I sign on and feel encouraged to be taking care of my body once again.
This post isn’t sponsored but it is something I’ve been wanting to write about. After cancelling gym memberships and trying classes that haven’t been the best fit for me I always come back to the Lindywell! My link is part of a referral program and gets you $20 off your first month when you join! You can cancel anytime, but if you think this is something worth trying, you can sign up here.
What’s your favorite way to move your body? I hope you try it out. I love that Lindywell has been with me through so many seasons of life from postpartum of my first baby til now. I first met Robin back in our Santa Barbara days and can say she’s just as sweet in person as she comes across online! In the beginning there was the balanced life sisterhood, a membership I’ve had for awhile now!
As I get older I love that more weight exercises have been added, the app is very user friendly, oh and there are great healthy recipes on there as well! There’s no specific diet model they follow, but they are pretty lean anti inflammatory meals and snacks which I appreciate!
So, that’s it. A little healthy plug in the midst of creamy soups and desserts on here. It’s about balance and I just wanted to share my love for these pilates workouts! Well, now that I’m done writing this, I guess I should go do one of my favorite exercises, right in the comfort of my living room!
Bonus- Robin wrote a book! This link will send you to the Amazon associate link of mine where you can order it. Like everything I’ve shared above, it’s encouraging and refreshing. Enjoy!