Hope Inside These Walls
We’re almost a month into this quarantine and these unprecedented times outside the walls of our home. Over the past month I’ve been anxious like you have, I’ve been up in the middle of the night, and I’ve felt the stress of the unknown. However, if I’m honest with you more times than not I’ve felt at peace and have really enjoyed the slower pace of life we’ve been living.
If I’m honest, I’ve felt a tension about feeling good about what’s going on here, not outside these walls, but in. I know that many are having a hard time juggling work and home life. Many have real fear of this illness or are paralyzed by the unknown. Many have lost work and are unsure of so much.
So, I’ve held back a bit in being happy. Is it happy, or is it hopeful? I think what’s been given to me is hope. Hope isn’t circumstantial. Hope says that no matter the circumstance, I can have hope and I can have peace. You can have it too.
Of course I’m sad about what’s going on and when I get my minutes of scrolling the news it’s definitely heavy. I can’t sit in that heaviness long though. So many times throughout scripture Jesus tells us, “do not worry!” So, I’ve moved forward in controlling what I can and praying for the rest.
In Peter 1:3-4 it says, “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you.” We live in a broken world. A world where illness and things that we think are so great will ultimately perish, spoil, or fade. God’s hope does not. In Christ I know my inheritance and ultimately my hope will never be found in earthly things, but in Him.
If you’re longing to move into this place of hope and to know Him, what a beautiful time with Easter just around the corner. You can know Him and know this truth. Open the Bible or read it online! The gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John,