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2022 in Review and Looking Ahead

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I’m sitting here in a quiet home, forcing myself to be still and do the thing I’ve missed most this past year, to write. With homeschooling and moving and let’s not forget feeding a family my plate has been full. I’m a big believer in allowing yourself to accept the season you’re in and for me that has meant a quieter writing season for me.

I still struggle with the constant push to publish and keep up with what’s trending online. I go between wanting to make reels and wanting to get off social media all together. I’m keenly aware of how much I’m looking at my phone around my kids so with them at a museum today with my husband, I get to write. I get to hopefully share some recipes that have been stacking up; let’s hope I remember them accurately for you! I get to reflect and be still and not race to get this post out. Maybe I’ll create some posts for that social media platform, but only if I write first.

Before these next few days blur together and we enter into a 2023, it’s time to put into words some of 2022 and the year that has passed. It was a year that started with hope, had its share of heartbreak and loss, disappointment and wonder.

I sat in the Psalms often and appreciated David’s honest cries to God. We thanked God when we could see His timing and reflect on all the ways He was working in the details when we didn’t see it. I found comfort in knowing God is not offended or surprised by my questions. He is big enough to handle them.

2022 is a year we loved two new lives in our family, Levi who went swiftly into the arms of Jesus and soon to be a new baby boy addition in 2023. Our boys grieved and we talked a lot about having a brother in heaven they’ll someday meet. I entered into a new title and new statistic, mother of a baby in heaven. Miscarriage.

2022 was also a year of reading the Bible chronologically with my oldest, something I’ll miss when January 1st rolls around. It was a year of establishing new roots, growing in the reality of our life as a homeschool family and the peace and confidence that comes in knowing you’re right where God would have you.

Let’s not forget it was also a year of sourdough. Sourdough bagels, waffles, artisan bread, and occasionally making a recipe that requires more time and folding but comes out lovely.

As I look ahead, I know the 2023 won’t go as I expect. I can plan and hope and pray, all good things. In the end I have to hold my hands open as they’ve been and know God has gone before.

He has my marriage, my kids, this new life, our home, and all things in His hands. I like to look ahead, but I also think it’s good to look back once in awhile too. Maybe on days like this one in a week that becomes a blur.

Figure out what worked and what didn’t. Think about the things you need to add into your routine more and what needs to come off your plate too. Have you accepted the season of life you’re in?

Here’s to 2023. May your hands and hearts be open to whatever comes.

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